XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Histología e Ingeniería Tisular, IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Histología y VII International Congress of Histology and Tissue Engineering
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Histología e Ingeniería Tisular, IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Histología y VII International Congress of Histology and Tissue Engineering. Santiago de Compostela, 7 de Septiembre de 2017
Analysis of histological patterns of human palmoplantar skin epidermis.
Vela-Romera A, Prados-Olleta N, Martín-Piedra MA, Jaimes-Parra BD, Campos F, Carriel V, Alaminos M, Garzón I
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 79.
Optical properties of bioengineered human skin in the visible range.
Ionescu AM, Miñan A, Cardona JC, Garzón I, Alaminos M, Pérez MM
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 139.
Biomechanical properties of a human skin substitute generated by tissue engineering.
Durand-Herrera D, Campos F, Vela-Romera A, García-García O, Chato J, Martín-Piedra MA, Alaminos M, Garzón I
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 147.
Generation and characterization of Wharton’s jelly stem cell microtissues for tissue engineering.
Durand-Herrera D, Campos F, Quintero-Campos P, Fernández-Valadés R, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Campos A, Alaminos M, Carriel V
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 148.
In vivo evaluation of bioartificial human corneas generated with alternative cell sources.
Garzón I, Martín-Piedra MA, González-Gallardo C, González-Andrades M, Muñoz-Ávila JI, Medialdea S, García-García O, Alaminos M
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 151.
Design of a morphoshape bioreactor for the generation of bioartificial human corneas with controlled shape and curvature.
Garzón I, Cardona JC, Ghinea R, Ionescu A, González-Andrades M, Muñoz-Ávila JI, Medialdea S, Alaminos M
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 152.
In vivo biocompatibility of crosslinked tissue-like fibrin-agarose biomaterial for tissue engineering applications. A short-term study.
Carmona M, Campos F, Fernández-Valadés R, Alaminos M, Campos A, Sánchez-Montesinos I, Carmona R, Carriel V
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 158.
Generation of bioengineered substitutes of the human oral mucosa containing msc as a novel method to increase in vivo biointegration.
Mateu-Sanz M, Zapater A, Durand-Herrera D, Jaimes-Parra BD, España A, Alaminos M, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Garzón I
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 164.
Biomechanical characterization of tissue-like constructs based on agarose hydrogels.
Quintero-Campos P, Campos F, Santisteban-Espejo A, Campos A, Carriel V, Alaminos M, Sánchez-Quevedo MC, Fernández-Valadés R
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 168.
Nanostructured fibrin-agarose bio-artificial nerve substitutes support peripheral nerve regeneration in rats.
Carriel V, Miralles E, Sáez JA, Paes AB, Katati MJ, García JM, Alaminos M, Campos A
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 172.
Development of novel magnetic-responsive tissue substitutes. An in vivo biocompatibility evaluation.
Carriel V, Campos F, Bonhome AB, López-López MT, Alaminos M, Campos A, Fernández-Valadés R, Rodríguez IA
Histology and Histopathology, 2017; 32 (S1): 173.